CloudPanel:Part 8

CloudPanel CLI

CloudPanel CLI

Root User Commands


Update IPs

In your site’s security settings, you can enable Allow traffic from Cloudflare only.

The command clpctl cloudflare:update:ips is being executed every morning at 6 AM via cron job and updates the following file:


If you enable Allow traffic from Cloudflare only, the file is included in the vhost of your site.


In the Admin Area, you can enable Basic Auth as additional layer of security in front of CloudPanel if you don’t have a static IP to close port 8443.

Enable Basic Auth

clpctl cloudpanel:enable:basic-auth --userName=john.doe --password='password123'

Disable Basic Auth

clpctl cloudpanel:disable:basic-auth


Master Credentials

The Database Show Master Credentials command shows Host, User Name, Password, and the Port.

clpctl db:show:master-credentials

The output will look like:

To connect to the database server, copy the Connect Command and enter the command in the command line.

Adding a Database

With the command db:add, you can add a database to your site.

clpctl db:add --databaseName=my-database --databaseUserName=john --databaseUserPassword='!secretPassword!'

Database Export

With the command db:export, you can export a database as dump.


The database dump will be gzipped if you add .sql.gz at the end of the file name. If you want to export the database uncompressed, use .sql.

clpctl db:export --databaseName=my-database --file=dump.sql.gz

Database Import

To import a database, go to the database dump’s directory and use the following command to import.

clpctl db:import --databaseName=my-database --file=dump.sql.gz

Let's Encrypt

With the lets-encrypt:install:certificate command, you can issue and install a Let’s Encrypt Certificate for a site.

Let’s Encrypt

If you enter the domain name, a certificate for the domains and will be issued and vice versa. Make sure to have valid DNS records for the domains you want to create a certificate for.
clpctl lets-encrypt:install:certificate

The parameter subjectAlternativeName is optional and is needed if you want to issue a certificate for multiple domains.

clpctl lets-encrypt:install:certificate,


Adding a Node.js site

Node 16 LTS, Node 14 LTS, Node 12 LTS are available. The Node.js Versions are managed via Node Version Manager.

If you need another version, you can change the version afterward.

To add a Node.js Site, use the following command.

clpctl site:add:nodejs --nodejsVersion=16 --appPort=3000 --siteUser=john --siteUserPassword='!secretPassword!'

Adding a Static HTML Site

To add a Static HTML Site, use the following command.

clpctl site:add:static --siteUser=john --siteUserPassword='!secretPassword!'

Adding a PHP Site

For Adding a PHP Site, it’s important to use the right Vhost Template.

With the command vhost-templates:list, you can display all available vhost templates:

clpctl vhost-templates:list

The vhost templates can be found on Github. They will be updated every night.

Copy the name of the template and use the following command to create a PHP Site:

clpctl site:add:php --phpVersion=8.1 --vhostTemplate='Generic' --siteUser=john --siteUserPassword='!secretPassword!'

Adding a Reverse Proxy

To add a Reverse Proxy, use the following command:

clpctl site:add:reverse-proxy --reverseProxyUrl='' --siteUser=john --siteUserPassword='!secretPassword!'

Installing a Certificate

To install a certificate for a site, use the following command below. The certificateChain argument is optional.

clpctl site:install:certificate --privateKey=/path/to/private.key --certificate=/path/to/certificate.crt --certificateChain=/path/to/chain.crt

Deleting a Site

To delete a Site, use the following command:

clpctl site:delete

Confirm your action by entering yes. It’s also possible to force the deletion by adding the “–force” parameter as seen below:

clpctl site:delete --force


Adding a User

To add a User, see the following commands as example.

To add an admin user, use the following command:

clpctl user:add --userName='john.doe' --email='' --firstName='John' --lastName='Doe' --password='!password!' --role='admin' --timezone='UTC' --status='1'

To add a site manager, use the following command:

clpctl user:add --userName='john.doe' --email='' --firstName='John' --lastName='Doe' --password='!password!' --role='site-manager' --timezone='UTC' --status='1'

To add a user who is restricted to specific sites, use the following command:

clpctl user:add --userName='john.doe' --email='' --firstName='John' --lastName='Doe' --password='!password!' --role='user' --sites=',' --timezone='UTC' --status='1'

Deleting a user

clpctl user:delete --userName='john.doe'

List Users

To list all users, use the following command:

clpctl user:list

Password Reset

To reset the password for a CloudPanel user, you can use the user:reset:password command:

clpctl user:reset:password --userName=john.doe --password='!newPassword!'

Disable 2-FA

To disable Two-Factor Authentication for a user, run the following command:

clpctl user:disable:mfa --userName=john.doe

Vhost Templates

Import Templates

The command vhost-templates:import is being executed every night. It updates the Vhost Templates from our Github Repository.

clpctl vhost-templates:import

List Templates

The command vhost-templates:list lists all Vhost Templates that can be used for adding a PHP Site.

clpctl vhost-templates:list

Adding a Template

If you need a custom Vhost Template for your PHP Application, you can do the following:

  1. Copy a vhost template from our Github Repository, e.g., the Generic one:
server {
listen 80;
listen [::]:80;
listen 443 ssl http2;
listen [::]:443 ssl http2;


if ($scheme != "https") {
rewrite ^ https://$host$uri permanent;

location ~ /.well-known {
auth_basic off;
allow all;


try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$args;
index index.php index.html;

location ~ \.php$ {
include fastcgi_params;
fastcgi_intercept_errors on;
fastcgi_index index.php;
fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;
try_files $uri =404;
fastcgi_read_timeout 3600;
fastcgi_send_timeout 3600;
fastcgi_param HTTPS $fastcgi_https;
fastcgi_param PHP_VALUE "{{php_settings}}";

location ~* ^.+\.(css|js|jpg|jpeg|gif|png|ico|gz|svg|svgz|ttf|otf|woff|eot|mp4|ogg|ogv|webm|webp|zip|swf)$ {
add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*";
expires max;
access_log off;

if (-f $request_filename) {
  1. In the first line, you see the following command:

Setting the rootDirectory and phpVersion is very important to prefill the site wizard form.
Most PHP Applications use public nowadays as an entry point.

  1. Put the template in a file or via gist.

To import your template from a file, use the following command:

clpctl vhost-template:add --name='My Application' --file=/tmp/template.tpl

To import your template from remote e.g, from a gist, use the following command:

clpctl vhost-template:add --name='My Application' --file=

When you select My Application, it will prefill the PHP Version, which has been defined in the Vhost Template.

When you click on Create, the root directory for the NGINX VHost will be generated with the following pattern:


In our example, the root directory would be:


Deleting a Template

With the command vhost-template:delete, you can delete a Vhost Template:

clpctl vhost-template:delete --name='My Application'

Viewing a Template

With the command vhost-template:view, you can view a Vhost Template:

clpctl vhost-template:view --name='My Application'

Site User Commands


Permissions Reset

To reset the permissions of a file or directories, log in via SSH and modify the command below to your needs:

clpctl system:permissions:reset --directories=770 --files=660 --path=.


Database Export

With the command db:export, you can export a database as dump.


The database dump will be gzipped if you add .sql.gz at the end of the file name. If you want to export the database uncompressed, use .sql.
clpctl db:export --databaseName=my-database --file=dump.sql.gz

Database Import

To import a database, go to the database dump’s directory and use the following command to import.

clpctl db:import --databaseName=my-database --file=dump.sql.gz

Varnish Cache


With the command varnish-cache:purge, you can purge everything, specific cache tags or a single url.

To purge the entire cache, use the following command:

clpctl varnish-cache:purge --purge=all

Specific cache tags, separated by a comma, can be purged with the following command:

clpctl varnish-cache:purge --purge='tag1,tag2'

In case you want to purge a single url only:

clpctl varnish-cache:purge --purge=''