CloudPanel:Part 1

Technology Stack

Technology Stack

Next generation Technology Stack for maximum performance and security to run PHP, Node.js, Static Websites, Reverse Proxies and Python Applications.

Install CloudPanel

Login via SSH to the Server.

If you are using a private key to login, the SSH command would be:

ssh -i path_to_your_private_key root@yourIpAddress

If you are using a password to login, the SSH command would be:

ssh root@yourIpAddress

Before running the installer, we need to update the system and install the required packages.

apt update && apt -y upgrade && apt -y install curl wget sudo

Run the installer with your preferred Database Engine.

MySQL 8.0
curl -sS -o; \
echo "3c30168958264ced81ca9b58dbc55b4d28585d9066b9da085f2b130ae91c50f6" | \
sha256sum -c && sudo bash
MariaDB 10.11
curl -sS -o; \
echo "3c30168958264ced81ca9b58dbc55b4d28585d9066b9da085f2b130ae91c50f6" | \
sha256sum -c && sudo DB_ENGINE=MARIADB_10.11 bash
MariaDB 10.6
curl -sS -o; \
echo "3c30168958264ced81ca9b58dbc55b4d28585d9066b9da085f2b130ae91c50f6" | \
sha256sum -c && sudo DB_ENGINE=MARIADB_10.6 bash

Access CloudPanel


For security reasons, access CloudPanel as fast as possible to create the admin user. There is a small time window where bots can create the user. If possible, open port 8443 only for your IP via firewall.

You can now access CloudPanel via Browser: https://yourIpAddress:8443

Ignore the self-signed certificate warning and click on Advanced and Proceed to continue to CloudPanel.

Add Site

With CloudPanel, you can Create a WordPress Site, Create a PHP Site, Create a Node.js Site, Create a Static HTML Site, Create a Python Site or Create a Reverse Proxy.

Create a WordPress Site

Fill out all fields and click on Create to Create a WordPress Site.

Copy the credentials for your created WordPress site in a secure place.

Site User

The Site User is an SSH User. All files will be stored in his home directory: /home/$siteUser

Create a PHP Site

Best Practices – PHP Site Migration

Before you start, please read the best practices for migrating PHP Sites.

1. Select the Application, the Domain Name, and the PHP Version. The PHP Version can be changed later if needed.


When you enter the Domain Name with www, a redirection from non-www to www will be created automatically and vice versa. All HTTP requests are redirected to HTTPS by default.
  1. Click on Create to create the PHP Site.

  2. You can now use the Site User to log in via SSH to upload the application files.

Create a Node.js Site

  1. Enter the Domain Name, select the Node.js Version, and the App Port.

The Node.js Versions are managed via Node Version Manager.


When you enter the Domain Name with www, a redirection from non-www to www will be created automatically and vice versa. All HTTP requests are redirected to HTTPS by default.

You can now use the Site User to log in via SSH to upload the application files.

Create a Static HTML Site

Enter the Domain Name you want to use for your site.


When you enter the Domain Name with www, a redirection from non-www to www will be created automatically and vice versa. All HTTP requests are redirected to HTTPS by default.

2. You can now use the Site User to log in via SSH to upload the HTML files.

Create a Python Site

Enter the Domain Name, select the Python Version and enter the App Port.


When you enter the Domain Name with www, a redirection from non-www to www will be created automatically and vice versa. All HTTP requests are redirected to HTTPS by default.
2. You can now use the Site User to log in via SSH to upload the application files.

Create a Reverse Proxy

Enter the Domain Name, Reverse Proxy Url, Site User, and Site User Password.


When you enter the Domain Name with www, a redirection from non-www to www will be created automatically and vice versa. All HTTP requests are redirected to HTTPS by default.