Create WordPress Plugin

How to Create a WordPress Plugin What You Need – WordPress Plugin What are WordPress Hooks? Filters and Filter Hooks Step 1 – Storing the Plugin Step 3 – Writing the Plugin Functions Step 4 – Creating the Plugin Admin Page Standards and Practices What You’ll Need to Make a WordPress Plugin Here is what…

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Crontab in Linux

Linux Crontab Syntax The format of a crontab file is very simple: each line contains six fields, separated by spaces. The first field specifies the minute (0-59) when the job will be run, the second field specifies the hour (0-23), the third field specifies the day of the month (1-31), and so on. Wildcards can…

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Filezilla – SSH and FTP Client The FileZilla project is an open source development initiative behind the “FileZilla Free FTP Solution”. The project made its first release in 2001. The software is still distributed free of charge under the terms of the GNU General Public License. FileZilla is well-suited for small-scale file transfer requirements. There…

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Mailcow – CloudPanel

Mailcow Mailcow On this site, you will find a step-by-step guide on how to run the mail server Mailcow on CloudPanel. The mail server Mailcow is a dockerized application that is addressed via Reverse Proxy. System Requirements >= 1 Core >= 6 GB of RAM >= 20 GB Disk Disable Postfix Login via SSH as…

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