CloudPanel:Part 11

CloudPanel:Part 11 (Python) Python deployment with uwsgi Vhost Change Restart uwsgi Service Ubuntu Debian Compiling from Source Creating a Laravel Site Creating a WordPress Site Building a PHP Extension ionCube Loader Node.js for PHP Sites Python deployment with uwsgi On this site, you will find a step-by-step guide on deploying a Python Application using uWSGI…

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CloudPanel:Part 10

CloudPanel:Part 10 (PHP) CakePHP CodeIgniter Drupal Joomla Laravel WooCommerce Building a PHP Extension ionCube Loader Node.js for PHP Sites CakePHP On this site, you find a guide to install CakePHP on CloudPanel. Creating a CakePHP Site Via CloudPanel Click on + Add Site and then click on Create a PHP Site. Select the Application CakePHP,…

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CloudPanel:Part 9

CloudPanel:Part 9 Node.js deployment with pm2 Start the Application Adding a Cron Job Applications ~ Ghost Creating a Ghost project Deployment Applications ~ Strapi 4 Node.js deployment with pm2 For running Node.js applications in production, you need process manager who takes care of the node processes. We explain how to use the PM2 for setting…

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CloudPanel:Part 8

CloudPanel:Part 8 CloudPanel CLI Cloudflare CloudPanel Database Show Master Credentials Let’s Encrypt Adding a Node.js site Adding a Static HTML Site Adding a PHP Site Adding a Reverse Proxy Installing a Certificate Vhost Templates Permissions Reset Varnish Cache CloudPanel CLI Root User Commands Cloudflare Update IPs In your site’s security settings, you can enable Allow…

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CloudPanelAdmin:Part 2

CloudPanelAdmin:Part 2 Amazon Web Services Images Settings Create Image Google Compute Engine Snapshot Settings Create Snapshot Amazon Web Services Settings AWS Credentials Create AWS Credentials For the communication with Amazon Web Services, you need to enter AWS Credentials like AWS Access Key and AWS Secret Access Key. To create AWS Access Keys do the following…

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CloudPanelAdmin:Part 1

CloudPanelAdmin:Part 1 Users Events Instance Proftpd Settings Instance Settings Remote Backups Configuration Security CloudPanel Custom Domain Users Roles You can create additional users with restricted access. Each role has specific permissions, explained in the following section. Admin Users with the Admin role have full permissions and are not restricted to the frontend, admin area, or…

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CloudPanel:Part 7

CloudPanel:Part 7 File Manager Cron Jobs Via CloudPanel Via Command Line Deleting a Cron Job Logs File Manager With the File Manager, you can organize your site files with an easy-to-use graphical interface. Managing your site files is a pleasure with the File Manager. Creating new files and folders and editing files with an editor…

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CloudPanel:Part 6

CloudPanel:Part 6 IP Blocking Bots Blocking Basic Authentication Cloudflare SSH/FTP Adding a User- SSH/FTP Deleting a User – SSH/FTP Password Change – SSH/FTP SSH Login SFTP Login FTP FTP Login Security IP Blocking To block an IP, click on the tab Security and on the button Add IP top right. The IP to block can…

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CloudPanel:Part 5

CloudPanel:Part 5 Service – Varnish Cache Configuration File WordPress – Plugin E-Mail E-Mail Service Providers Self Hosted Solutions SSL/TLS Certificates Let’s Encrypt Certificate Cloudflare Certificate Import Certificate Service – Varnish Cache Service Settings By default, 512MB of data can be stored in the memory. You should consider increasing the value if you have many sites…

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CloudPanel:Part 4

CloudPanel:Part 4 Introduction Benefits Supported Applications Settings Cache Tag Prefix Excluded Params Purge Cache Developer Guide – Vhost Vhost Explanation Developer Guide – PHP Controller The Controller File register_shutdown_function Custom Applications Developer Mode Migration Introduction Varnish Cache is a caching HTTP reverse proxy that speeds up your sites with a factor of 100 – 250x….

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